Friday, 31 October 2014

Books 3

Global Jihad and America: The Hundred-Year War Beyond Iraq and Afghanistan by Taj Hashmi from Sage India.

Global Jihad and America questions the assumption if Islamist terrorism, or “Global Jihad,” poses the biggest threat to modern civilization in the East and West. It explores if Islamic and Western civilizations, being “incompatible” to each other, are destined to be at loggerheads. Consequently, the book argues that state-sponsored terrorism and proxy wars—not terrorist acts by “non-state actors”—will pose the biggest security threat to the world.

This study does not suggest that the world has already reached the cul-de-sac of its destiny with no point of return. Both America and the Muslim World can play important roles to avert the catastrophe. Meanwhile, the gap between the needy and the rich and powerful is widening. Throughout history, sections of the rich and powerful have manipulated wars in the name of peace and justice, religion and freedom. So the big question now is: with America and its allies waging a “war on terror and extremism” and their Muslim adversaries defending honor and religion, is a disaster looming?

In our Politics section, Rs. 995, in hardback, 344 pages, ISBN :9788132113782

Intellectual Property and Business: The Power of Intangible Assets by Rodney D Ryder And Ashwin Madhavan from Sage India.

Intellectual Property (IP) is one of the most vital assets for any business organization. It is a domain not restricted to lawyers alone; it is a crucial area of concern for business organizations, managers, and corporate leaders. Intellectual Property and Business demonstrates how companies can deploy their IP not just as legal instruments but also as dominant and powerful financial assets, and as useful arsenal that can boost their business.

The book aims to provide a basic understanding of various forms of IP that business organizations need to protect, and to analyze and understand IP management and strategy through case studies. It highlights these aspects of IP management through the lens of both a lawyer and a business manager.

In our Management Studies section, Rs. 595, in paperback, 320 pages, ISBN :9788132117919

Cinematically Speaking: The Orality-Literacy Paradigm for Visual Narrative by Sheila J. Nayar from Sage India.

Most people think of film narrative in fundamentally visual terms. But what if visuality is only one component of a larger epistemic framework for how film narrative “works”? In this book, Sheila J. Nayar argues just that, laying out the comprehensive terrain for what has already been described as a “controversial new theory of cinematic literacy.”

Proposing that orality and alphabetic literacy play a fundamental role in shaping visual storytelling, Nayar challenges the way we think about how film stories get shaped, as well as the notion of film as an autonomous mode of storytelling construction. Narrative and aesthetic principles of film, she demonstrates, are significantly impacted by ways of knowing that have—or, in some cases, that have not—emerged as a consequence of a cultural investment in reading, writing, and print.

Between close readings of Bollywood cinema and modernist art cinema in 1950s–1990s, as well as of the many cinemas in between—including Indian middle cinema and middle-class cinema—Cinematically Speaking casts a pioneering lens on what goes into shaping screen stories worldwide. It is a theoretical work certain to alter our understanding and future exploration of the narrative-film species.

In our Film Studies section, Rs. 795, in hardback, 268 pages, ISBN :9788132117902

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Struggle for Identity/ Peace and Conflict

A Struggle for Identity: Muslim Women in the United Provinces by Firdous Azmat Siddiqui from Cambridge University Press (India).

In the nineteenth century, the British were occupied with the question of becoming socially acceptable, as they had already established political and military sway in India. It was in this context that the servants of the East India Company, merchants, adventurers and missionaries who arrived in India from Europe attempted to enter the zennana, in much the same manner as the ruling Indian elites. These foreigners adopted the ways of the ruling class, and thus demonstrated a preference for the Muslim section of Indian society.

This book is an attempt to understand the social and economic profile of Muslim women in India and to shed light on the conditions of Indian Muslim women in the United Province particularly after 1857. This period is significant for Muslim society as it was undergoing social and economic transition especially with the Mughal dynasty reaching its end.

Besides, the book critically discusses the influence of how the new colonial judicial system weakened traditional customs and questions whether this legal system was beneficial to Muslim women or whether it enhanced its complexities.

In our Sociology section, Rs. 795, in hardback, 273 pages, ISBN :9789382993063

Peace and Conflict: The South Asian Experience by Priyankar Upadhyaya And Samrat Schmiem Kumar from Cambridge University Press (India).

South Asia’s diversity is also reflected in the many violent inter-state and intra-state conflicts that further distinguish it from other regions of the world. Despite the national differences, one can still find transnational commonalities in cultures, languages and religions, bound together by the common pre-colonial and colonial history of the South Asian countries. This book takes its readers into a ‘reflexive journey’ of understanding peace in South Asia, and the imperceptible way through which religious and cultural dimensions contribute to the peace building process.

It also unravels the unique patterns of common cultural practices in the region to emphasize that the connect between cultures can ever be a source of tension as well as reward. In addition, it presents a fascinating account of the origins and meaning of the concept of ahimsa in Buddhism and Jainism, and looks at the practical examples of ahimsa from India to highlight the diversity of peace, non-violence and peace work that exist in the country. One of the chapters offers an intriguing example of nonviolent resistance in Pakistan – it documents the history of a nonviolent civil resistance movement, the ‘lawyer’s movement’, or also known as the ‘Black Revolution’, for justice and the rule of law in Pakistan.

In our Sociology section, Rs. 595, in hardback, xx+250 pages, ISBN :9789382993551

Monday, 27 October 2014

Kafkaland, On their watch

Kafkaland: Prejudice, Law and Counterterrorism in India by Manisha Sethi from Three Essays Collective.

Kafkaland explores the grisly underbelly of counterterrorism, where prejudice and lawlessness are the standard operating codes. From Mumbai to Bangalore, to Delhi to Madhya Pradesh, it examines some of the most prominent terror cases to show that the hallmark of terror investigations is not simply a casual subversion of norms but cynical prejudice and brutal violence inflicted in the knowledge of absolute impunity.

It also examines the disquieting trend of judicial abdication, wherein the courts indulgently ignore signs of torture, lack of evidence and absence of procedural norms, while trying terror cases.

Kafkaland challenges the dominant narratives of counterterrorism and the emerging security-industrial complex. Kafkaland is where impunity, bias, suspicion are sustained by laws, where erosion of constitutional guarantees is advertised as internal security, where corporate greed masquerades as national interest.

In our Politics section, Rs. 350, in paperback, xii+216 pages, ISBN : 9789383968008

On Their Watch: Mass violence and State apathy in India Examining the record by Surabhi Chopra And Prita Jha from Three Essays Collective.

In 2005, India passed a law giving individuals the right to information on the State’s acts and decisions. Using this law, the authors in this edited volume applied for official records about four of the worst episodes of mass violence in independent India. These traumatic events had not previously been scrutinised using the recently-minted law on this scale. The authors filed over 800 applications for information; the results of their unusual endeavour led to this book.

Sifting through hundreds of government documents on criminal justice, administrative discipline, commissions of inquiry, emergency relief and monetary compensation, the authors examine the State’s response to sectarian violence in Nellie in 1983, Delhi in 1984, Bhagalpur in 1989 and Gujarat in 2002. Hundreds of people, most of them religious minorities, were killed, injured, displaced from their homes, and stripped of their livelihoods in these episodes of mass violence. In each instance, violence was encouraged by the politically powerful and tolerated by the police.

This book examines official records and shows how State apathy in the wake of violence thwarted attempts to rehabilitate survivors and punish perpetrators. These failures are not simply an unfortunate coincidence. The State’s own records reveal that national and state governments have been negligent in recurring, systematic ways. By detailing how State processes have failed, this disquieting book demonstrates that the State could have pursued justice and reparation for victims of mass violence in the past, and could, in substantial measure, still do so.

In our Politics section, Rs. 750, in hardback, xx+374 pages, ISBN : 9788188789870 

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Shaping the Emerging World

Shaping the Emerging World: India and the Multilateral Order by Waheguru Pal Singh Sidhu , Pratap Bhanu Mehta And Bruce Jones from Cambridge University Press (India).

The five major emerging national economies known as the BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – have gained on the world stage. For BRICS watchers, and anyone interested in the future of India’s burgeoning economy, twenty-two scholars have developed one of the most comprehensive volumes on India: Shaping the Emerging World.

India faces a defining period. Its status as a global power is not only recognized but increasingly institutionalized, even as geopolitical shifts create both opportunities and challenges. The country experienced rapid growth through participation in the existing multilateral order – now its development strategy makes it dependent on this order.

Despite limitations, India increasingly has the ideas, people, and tools to shape the global order, in the words of Jawaharal Nehru, ‘not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially.’ Will India keep its ‘tryst with destiny’ and emerge as one of the shapers of the emerging international order? This volume seeks to answer that question.

In our Development Studies section, Rs. 895, in hardback, 368 pages, ISBN : 9789382993544
Sales Restriction: Sale In SAARC Countries Only

Friday, 17 October 2014

Public Secrects of Law

Public Secrets of Law: Rape Trials in India by Pratiksha Baxi from Oxford University Press (India).

Sexual violence in general, and rape in particular, is under-reported in India. The social stigma associated with rape is the biggest hurdle that a rape survivor faces right from the time of reporting the matter to the police to the stage of trial. This book, one of the first ethnographic studies of rape trials in India, focuses on the everyday socio-legal processes that underlie the making of rape trials. It describes how state law is transformed in its localization, often to the point of bearing little resemblance to written law.

The work centres around four extended case studies in a trial court in Ahmedabad. These case studies show how the effects of power and knowledge congeal to disqualify women's (and children's) testimonies at different sites of state law such as the police station, forensic science laboratory, or the hospital and the court.

This book describes multiple ways in which public secrecy is subjected to specific revelations in rape trials that do not bring justice to a rape survivor but address and reinforce deeply entrenched phallocentric notions of justice. Bringing sociological insights to the contested and anguishing issue of rape trials, this book is an essential read for all those committed to a just and safe society for women in India.

In our Law section, Rs. 1150, in hardback, 488 pages, ISBN : 9780198089568

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

The Letters of John F. Kennedy, (1/e)

The Letters of John F. Kennedy, (1/e) by Martin W. Sandler from Bloomsbury India.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy led the United States for barely a thousand days, and yet he is regarded as one of the great Presidents of all time for his brave decisions on civil rights and international relations, and not merely as a consequence of his tragic fate. Kennedy steered his nation away from the brink of nuclear war, initiated the first nuclear test ban treaty and launched his nation on its mission to the moon and beyond. JFK inspired a nation, particularly the massive generation of baby boomers, injecting hope and revitalising faith in the American dream at a time when it was badly needed.

2013 marks the fiftieth anniversary of Kennedy's untimely death. Martin Sandler's The Letters of John F. Kennedy will be the only book that focuses on letters both from and to Kennedy. Drawn from more than two million letters on file at the Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, The Letters of John F. Kennedy presents readers with a portrait of both Kennedy the politician and Kennedy the man, as well as the turbulent times he lived in. The beginnings of American involvement in Vietnam, a touch-and-go Cold War relationship with the Soviet bloc and many other international controversies are intertwined with Kennedy's own hushed-up health problems, his renowned controversial personal life and his charismatic engagement with the world of presidential politics.

Letters to and from Martin Luther King, Jr., Eleanor Roosevelt, Nikita Khruschev, Bertrand Russell, David Bengurian and many others are included, as well as missives from ordinary citizens and schoolchildren. Each letter is accompanied by lively and informative contextualization and facsimiles of many of the letters will appear in the text, along with photographs and exclusive material from the Kennedy Library and Museum.

In our Literature section, Rs. 499, in hardback, 384 pages, ISBN : 9781408830451

Monday, 13 October 2014


The Sun Never Sets: South Asian Migrants in an Age U.S. Power by Vivek Bald, Miabi Chatterji, Sujani Reddy And Manu Vimalassery from Orient Blackswan.

The Sun Never Sets presents the work of a generation of scholars who are shifting the orientation of South Asian American studies. In its early years, the field centered on literary and cultural analyses and focused predominantly on the immigrant professionals who arrived in the United States after changes to immigration laws in the 1960s. Here, the contributors focus on the political economy and long history of South Asian migrations to the U.S.—and upon the lives, work, and activism of often unacknowledged migrant populations—in ways that not only challenge preconceptions about the South Asian presence in the United States, but illuminate continuities between British Imperialism and U.S.-led globalization.

These essays track changes in global power that have influenced the paths and experiences of migrants—from the Indian farmers, seamen and radicals who sought work and refuge in the U.S. in the 1910s to Indian nurses sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation during the Cold War to the post-9/11 detainees and deportees caught in the crossfire of the “War on Terror”.

The work collected here reveals a South Asian diaspora that has long been entangled with the United States and its imperial ambitions—and one that renders those imperial ambitions visible. It will appeal to anyone with interest in the historic relationship between South Asia and the United States, in the intertwined processes of imperialism and global migrations, and in the continuing struggles of South Asian migrants who have crossed oceans to pursue work and build new lives in the U.S.

In our Development Studies section, Rs. 1095, in hardback, 408 pages, ISBN : 9788125052364
Sales Restriction: Sale In SAARC Countries Only

Unforgotten: Love and the Culture of Dementia Care in India by Bianca Brijnath from Orient Blackswan.

As life expectancy increases in India, the number of people living with dementia will also rise. Yet little is known about how people in India cope with dementia, how relationships and identities change through illness and loss. In addressing this question, this book offers a rich ethnographic account of how middle-class families in urban India care for their relatives with dementia. From the husband who wakes up at 3 am to feed his wife ice-cream to the daughters who gave up employment for seven years to care for their mother with dementia, this book illuminates the local idioms on dementia and aging, the personal experience of care-giving, the functioning of stigma in daily life, and the social and cultural barriers in accessing support.

Offering a timely and accessible entry into the everyday world of care this book adds to the current research around dementia care in developing world contexts. The analyses highlight the complexities of care, ageing, culture and love in Indian families in an era of globalisation, money, transnationalism and migration. Simultaneously it also shows how cultural frameworks historically specific to India, such as medical pluralism and hope for a cure, the emotional currency of feeding and eating, and the powerful bonds of kinship and reciprocity, continue to structure everyday worlds and practices.

Targeted to anthropologists, South Asian specialists, transcultural psychiatrists, gerontologists, public health experts and social scientists interested in the fields of ageing, gerontology and culture, this book will also have relevance to families and carers for people with dementia.

In our Anthropology section, Rs. 750, in hardback, 240 pages, ISBN : 9788125055099
Sales Restriction: Sale In SAARC Countries Only

Neoliberalism and Water: Complicating the Story of ‘Reforms’ in Maharashtra by Priya Sangameswaran from Orient Blackswan.

Neoliberalism and Water tells us the story of the reforms in the water sector in Maharashtra in the first decade of the twenty-first century. It looks at it through the prism of neoliberalism, which works in combination with other processes, and by the specific nature of water as a resource. The introductory discussion of different approaches to understanding neoliberalism provides the base for the ensuing discussion of water reforms. It discusses changes in urban and rural drinking water, and irrigation, and concepts like piped water, 24x7 water, water entitlements, commodity, and entrepreneurship.

It raises the questions—What kinds of visions of development of the urban and the rural do current water reforms draw upon? How is decentralisation mediated by ideas like self-sufficiency, depoliticisation, and expertise? What kind of work goes into constructing markets and determining prices? Who are the new kinds of ‘private’ actors who have emerged in the arena of water? How are mindsets and modes of working changing even among ‘public’ institutions?

In our Anthropology section, Rs. 750, in hardback, 340 pages, ISBN : 9788125054917

Marrying in South Asia: Shifting Concepts, Changing Practices in a Globalising World by Ravinder Kaur And Rajni Palriwala from Orient Blackswan.

Marriage has long been central to the study of kinship and family and to imaginings of culture, identity and citizenship. If the deeply gendered nature of marriage has been critiqued by feminist researchers, the conjugal contract has been the subject of debate in the legal domain and the economics of marriage and of the wedding ceremony figure in the discourse on development.

Engaging with these and other strands is Marrying in South Asia, a volume which looks closely at Bangladeshi, Pakistani and south Indian Muslims, Bhutanese ethnic groups, Nepali widows, the Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora, south Asian gays and lesbians, middle class and urban, working class communities and many other groups. With the globalising world as the backdrop, the essays trace the encounters with changing notions and practices of marriage.

The book examines processes that make a marriage, the implications of non-marriage or its end and the acknowledgement of multiple sexualities, as well as the contestations and conflicts, including in the law courts, that are part of the institution. The integration of the larger economic and political contexts in understandings of personal relations around marriage is significant. The diverse ethnographic accounts, demographic analyses and economic investigations provide a wider window to marriage than is usually available in a single volume.

This volume brings together scholars in sociology, anthropology, economics, demography, development studies, queer theory and gender studies, and historical research, from around the world. Marrying in South Asia is a must-read for students of the social sciences and for all of us interested in the ideas around conjugality and the institution of marriage.

In our Development Studies section, Rs. 925, in hardback, 440 pages, ISBN : 9788125053552

Decolonisation, Development and Disease: A Social History of Malaria in Sri Lanka by Kalinga Tudor Silva from Orient Blackswan.

The 1901 Census of Ceylon identified malaria as a bane of the island. And through the ensuing century a story of development has sprung around the control of this endemic disease. A story of development that is scripted by a postcolonial state, as it grew to espouse a hegemonic Sinhala nationalist ideology.

Decolonisation, Development and Disease looks at the dynamic interplay between malaria and its social, political and environmental milieu in Sri Lanka over an 80-year period from 1930 to 2010. The volume begins with an ethno-historical account of the accumulated body of indigenous knowledge and practices and cultural adaptation to fevers and how it saw a rapid decline with the arrival of western medicine. Then it analyses the consequences of the devastating malaria epidemic of 1934 35, which, affecting mainly the Sinhala South, in some ways shaped Sri Lanka s transition from a colony to a postcolonial developmental state. The book also examines the manner in which civil war (1983 2009) triggered yet another outbreak of a malaria epidemic.

Employing postcolonial studies, post-development and discourse analysis, and examining colonial records, government statistics, oral history, ethnographic research and newspapers, this book challenges the conventional modernist wisdom relating to the role of tropical medicine in combating disease and points to the social and historical embeddedness of malaria epidemics. Arriving at a time of reconciliation in Sri Lanka, this volume will be of interest to ethnographers, social historians, public health experts, administrators and students of political science.

In our Development Studies section, Rs. 795, in hardback, 272 pages, ISBN : 9788125054290

Tibetan Refugees in India: Education, Culture and Growing Up in Exile by Mallica Mishra from Orient Blackswan.

Tibetan Refugees in India focuses on the issue of education for the Tibetan community as an important ingredient conceived to not only protect and preserve tradition but also engage with modernity by the Tibetan Government in Exile. The volume recognises the dilemmas that the community grapples with in trying to achieve a balance between ‘tradition’ and ‘modernity’ in education and the strategies it has employed to deal with the issue. Life in exile is seen as a continuous learning experience for the community with trying to be ‘exclusive’ yet also to prevent ‘exclusion’ in a modernised world.

The Introduction sets the tone with the idea of and about refugeeism as a complex and problematic global reality. The chapters examine the educational options available to the Tibetan youth—Tibetan schools and Indian schools respectively. It details the curriculum and pedagogy in both sets of schools and the impact it has on the Tibetan youth, their sense of identity, nationhood, Tibet in their imagination and their attitude towards the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan struggle.

In our Anthropology section, Rs. 750, in hardback, 328 pages, ISBN : 9788125054979

Traversing Bihar: The Politics of Development and Social Justice by Manish K. Jha And Pushpendra from Orient Blackswan.

To a curious onlooker, Bihar seems like a place full of paradoxes. It has a rich cultural heritage from
the civilisational past, but evokes images of being ‘uncultured’, ‘primitive’ and ‘rustic’ in the present. Traversing Bihar depicts and interprets Bihar’s internal contradictions and struggles. The volume examines and analyses crucial political, social and developmental concerns of the state over the past two decades. Between 1990 and 2005, Bihar under Lalu Prasad Yadav witnessed a social churning, called the politics of social justice. This period ushered in a process of de-elitisation of politics with far-reaching consequences. However, over time, Yadav’s regime became chaotic and failed to combine change and development.

In 2005, the people voted for a change and brought the Nitish Kumar-led JDU-BJP coalition to power. The new regime restored the state—the police, the quiescent bureaucracy, the rule of law. It seemed to be making concerted efforts to improve the climate of development in the state. The 13 chapters of this volume, divided into three sections, look into issues such as growth and development, the politics of water resources, social exclusion in flood response, land rights, agrarian relations, the Left movement, and voting patterns in Bihar.

Well into its second term, the concerns about Bihar have re-emerged. Is Nitish Kumar’s model of development devoid of social justice? Does it re-elitise politics? Why did the new developmental state renege on its promises of tenancy reforms? Is the bureaucracy not responsible for raising the scale of corruption? Was the restoration of law and order and the model of development geared to satisfy middle-class demands for security and well-being? In asking these questions and providing in-depth analyses of Bihar’s contemporary issues, this one-of-a-kind book will be an invaluable guide for scholars and students of economics, development studies and political science.

In our Development Studies section, Rs. 850, in hardback, 368 pages, ISBN : 9788125055679

Saturday, 11 October 2014


Arbitration in Practice by R. S. Poonia from Regal Publications.

This book evades cryptic language and makes the matter readable even for a lay man. It is intended to empower executives and contractor who never had any exposure to legal matters concerning contracts and are forced by circumstances to arbitration. 

The book will help both executives and contractors to avoid kind of mistakes or activities which will give rise to disputes while dealing with contracts.

In our Law section, Rs. 1050, in hardback, xiv+248 pages, ISBN : 9788184843262

Human Rights Today: Towards a Humanized Society by P. Jegadish Gandhi And Foreword by M. J. Joseph from Regal Publications.

Human Rights violations in all forms are a negation of life. Human Rights and human respect should be restored, irrespective of social differences, to humanize rights with sharing prosperity. Enlargement of basic needs baskets and empowerment through education alone would usher in a humanized society.

Formation of Rights clubs at different levels will go a long way to create a new social order. This book, Humanizing Human Rights Today: Issues and Options is based on two seminars1 debates and discussions how basically to treat humans as human.

In our Law section, Rs. 750, in hardback, xxv+156 pages, ISBN : 9788184843576

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Social, Street Corner, Hindu And Duty Destiny

Duty, Destiny and Glory: The Life of C. P. Ramaswami Aiyar by  A. Raghu from Orient Blackswan.

C. P. Ramaswami Aiyar, famously known as C.P., was born in 1879 to a marriage that was a celebrated union of two leading Tamil Brahmin families. He became one of India’s greatest constitutional lawyers, a passionate general secretary of the Indian National Congress, a loyal dewan of the princely state of Travancore and vice-chancellor of two different universities simultaneously. In the midst of a lecturing tour at universities in London and Oxford in 1966, C.P. breathed his last.

Inheriting an immense fortune through his mother, and an iron resolve to pursue academic excellence from his father, C.P. was the ‘prize boy’ at school and college, and he quickly rose to become a top lawyer at the Madras bar. He also became the youngest advocate-general of Madras. His undying zeal took him to the governor’s executive council, the viceroy’s executive council and the League of Nations. And as he advised the maharaja of Travancore through political intrigues, he grew unpopular and narrowly escaped an assassination attempt.

This biographer presents C.P.’s life through the diligent execution of his duties; an obedient son, a nurturing senior lawyer, a lieutenant in the Besantine Congress faction, an administrator dedicated to nation building and social reform, and an academic in relentless pursuit of intellectual excellence. We are shown a man who inherits the will to prove the stars wrong and script his own destiny, establishing a legacy in legal, political and academic worlds. And this glory—with its accompanying very human failings—has been told with an elegance that is too charming to miss. Duty, Destiny and Glory will interest students of biography, modern Indian history and political science, as well as the general reader.

In our Biography section, Rs. 525, in hardback, 216 pages, ISBN : 9788125055693

Hindu–Catholic Engagements in Goa: Religion, Colonialism, and Modernity by Alexander Henn from Orient Blackswan.

Vasco Da Gama’s celebrated passage to India (1497–99) not only initiated a period of Christian expansion, in which Jesuit missionaries declared war to the alleged ‘idolatry’ of Hindus. The engagement with the until then largely unknown and unexpectedly rich culture of Hinduism was also part of profound modern transformations that, in the long run, lead Christian Europe to recognize the plurality of religions around the globe.

Hindu–Catholic Engagements in Goa offers a novel perspective on the Portuguese empire and Catholic hegemony in Asia that for almost half a millennium—from 1510 to 1961—had its capital in Goa. Based on fresh archival studies and extensive ethnography, it reveals the dramatic role of religion at the beginning of colonialism and modernity and provides insight into Goa’s intricate Hindu-Catholic syncretism today. Hindu village gods and Catholic patron saints commonly attract veneration from people of the respective ‘Other’ religious community and, yet, do not create confusion between the distinct identities of Hindus and Catholics. At the core of this seeming syncretistic paradox lies a communal concern for neighborhood, genealogy, protection and health that, at times, overrules doctrinal divides in the village communities.

Hindus and Catholics share trust in communicating with the divine and holy in ways that occasionally favor ritual over belief and appreciate substance before meaning. Contrary to postcolonial theories of ‘Othering’, this book identifies religion thus as an inherently hybrid dimension of the intersection of colonialism and modernity and identifies local, rather than universal and epistemic, rather than ethical principles at the core of Goa’s remarkable religious pluralism. This book will be welcomed by scholars and students of history, anthropology, postcolonial theory, and cultural studies. It will also appeal to informed readers who are interested in the making of early modern Goa.

In our Anthropology section, Rs. 725, in hardback, 228 pages, ISBN : 9788125055211
Sales Restriction: Sale In SAARC Countries Only

Street Corner Secrets: Sex, Work, and Migration in the City of Mumbai by Svati P. Shah from Orient Blackswan.

Street Corner Secrets challenges widespread notions of sex work in India by examining solicitation in three spaces within the city of Mumbai where sexual commerce may be solicited alongside other income-generating activities. These spaces—brothels, streets, and public day-wage labor markets (nakas)—are seldom placed within the same analytic frame. Focusing on women who had migrated to Mumbai from rural, economically underdeveloped areas within India, Svati P. Shah argues that selling sexual services is one of a number of ways women working as laborers may earn a living, demonstrating that sex work, like day labor, is a part of India's vast informal economy.

Here, various means of earning—legitimized or stigmatized, legal or illegal—overlap or exist in close proximity to one another, shaping a narrow field of livelihood options that women navigate daily. In the course of this rich ethnography, Shah discusses policing practices, migrants' access to housing and water, the production of public space, critiques of states and citizenship, and the location of violence within debates on sexual commerce.

Throughout, the book analyzes the role the city plays in the changing contours of sexual commerce in Mumbai, as well as showing the highly contingent ways in which knowledge about sexual commerce and sex work is being constructed. Ultimately, the book maps the silences and secrets that constitute local discourses of sexual commerce on Mumbai's streets. This book will be of particular interest to scholars and students of anthropology, sociology, urban studies, and gender and sexuality studies.

In our Anthropology section, Rs. 785, in hardback, 296 pages, ISBN : 9788125056287
Sales Restriction: Sale In SAARC Countries Only

Social Inclusion in Independent India: Dimensions and Approaches by T. K. Oommen from Orient Blackswan.

This book discusses the various forms of social and economic exclusion (discrimination and marginalisation) that persist in contemporary India, and how they may be remedied. It argues that a welfare state can be created by securing social, economic and political justice for the socially and educationally backward classes of citizens.

It argues that inclusive growth and human development can be achived only by ensuring equality of status and opportunity for the vulnerable sections of society. It suggests affirmative action/positive discriminatio —reservation of seats in education institutuions and reservation in jobs—that may be adopted to build a more inclusive society. This proposition is examined with reference to nine excluded social categories—Dalits, Adivasis, subalterns, religious and linguistic minorities, women, migrants, the poor, and the disabled.

In our Anthropology section, Rs. 725, in hardback, 352 pages, ISBN : 9788125056294

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Domestic Violence and Laws

Redress Mechanisms for Victims of Domestic Violence: With Case Studies of Service Providers by B. R. Dugar And Asutosh Pradhan from Regal Publications.

With the enactment of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 there was a need to assess the status of women victims facing domestic violence and the benefits they could get out of the provisions of the Act. This study was intended to provide with a comprehensive analysis of the redress mechanisms available to the women victims of domestic violence in India.

It collates the various theories of causation of violence against women and specifically domestic violence. This study attempts to define what domestic violence is, the theories about its causes, the extent of the problem, its incidence at the national level, and who are affected-both directly and tangentially, how the victims are affected, the available services of relief and some possible solutions.

This book provides a broad and in-depth examination of domestic violence, the review of literature explores the theoretical, historical, social, psychological, and legal perspectives. A case study of Rajasthan has been given in detail.

In our Law section, Rs. 850, in hardback, 184 pages, ISBN : 9788184843491

An Introduction to Jurisprudence by Jay S. Bhongale from Regal Publications.

"My Books are like water; those of the great geniuses are wine, (fortunately) everybody drinks water". This quote of Mark Twain speaks the nature of this book. Instead of taking seriously the jurisprudence as a subject, students shall take it as a habit of thinking of knowledge of law.

The Book is the result of the knowledge gained from the lectures, articles and from various books to understand the jurisprudence properly. The objective of writing this book is to give knowledge to students in simple and clear language. Usually students get more difficulty to understand the theories of Jurisprudence, this book is the sincere effort to get rid of that difficulty.

In our Law section, Rs. 950, in hardback, 240 pages, ISBN : 9788184843439

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Eagles over Bangladesh

Eagles over Bangladesh: The Indian Air Force in the 1971 Liberation War by P. V. S. Jagan Mohan And Samir Chopra from Harper Collins, India.

In December 1971 Bangladesh was born. Its birthing was among the most painful of any new nation: it had suffered a brutal genocide conducted by its former countrymen from West Pakistan, and a war for liberation fought between the indigenous Mukti Bahini (Liberation Army) and the Indian Armed Forces on one side, and the West Pakistani Armed Forces on the other.

Open war broke out on the Western and Eastern fronts in December 1971. The war ended quickly, with the West Pakistani Army surrendering in Dacca two weeks later. A significant factor in facilitating the Indian Army’s rapid progress to Dacca was the Indian Air Force (IAF) which proved itself to be a formidable fighting force. 

Eagles over Bangladesh: The Indian Air Force in the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War recounts the IAF offensive over Bangladesh, commencing with the raids on Dacca on the first day of the war, and moving on to the final coup de grace delivered on the Governor’s House in Dacca. It aims to fill in the gaps regarding a military conflict that took place almost four decades ago.’

In our History section, Rs. 499, in paperback, 368 pages, ISBN : 9789351361633
Sales Restriction: Sale In SAARC Countries Only

Friday, 3 October 2014

On the Trail of Genghis Khan

On the Trail of Genghis Khan, (1/e): An Epic Journey Through the Land of the Nomads by Tim Cope from Bloomsbury India.

The relationship between man and horse on the Eurasian steppe gave rise to a succession of rich nomadic cultures. Among them were the Mongols of the thirteenth century – a small tribe, which, under the charismatic leadership of Genghis Khan, created the largest contiguous land empire in history. Inspired by the extraordinary life nomads still lead today, Tim Cope embarked on a journey that hadn't been successfully completed since those times: to travel on horseback across the entire length of the Eurasian steppe, from Karakorum, the ancient capital of Mongolia, through Kazakhstan, Russia, Crimea and the Ukraine to the Danube River in Hungary.

From horse-riding novice to travelling three years and 10,000 kilometres on horseback, accompanied by his dog Tigon, Tim learnt to fend off wolves and would-be horse-thieves, and grapple with the extremes of the steppe as he crossed sub-zero plateaux, the scorching deserts of Kazakhstan and the high-mountain passes of the Carpathians.

Along the way, he was taken in by people who taught him the traditional ways and told him their recent history: Stalin's push for industrialisation brought calamity to the steepe and forced collectivism that in Kazakhstan alone led to the loss of several million livestock and the starvation of more than a million nomads. Today Cope bears witness to how the traditional ways hang precariously in the balance in the post-Soviet world.

In our Culture section, Rs. 550, in hardback, 528 pages, ISBN : 9781408825051

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Maulana Azad, Islam and the Indian National Movement

Maulana Azad, Islam and the Indian National Movement by Syeda Saiyidain Hameed from Oxford University Press (India).

Maulana Azad was the first education minister of India and a dynamic individual with multiple facets to his personality. He is equally known as one of the foremost freedom fighters, an Urdu poet who also wrote treatises on philosophy and religion.

Azad had hoped to lead not only the Muslims but all Indians to freedom. From 1903, when he picked up his pen to launch his first journal, till Partition, he never lost sight of his larger constituency-all Indians, regardless of religion. Why then is one who aspired and worked for national leadership remembered only as the leader of the Muslims of India?

Why then did he lose to Jinnah, an individual who generally stood for everything which ran contrary to his beliefs? In this thought-provoking work, Syeda S. Hameed takes a fresh look at the works, politics, and life of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad.

In our Politics section, Rs. 895, in hardback, 325 pages, ISBN : 9780199450466