Monday, 29 September 2014

Foreign Policy of Tunisia

Foreign Policy of Tunisia: Transition from Colonial Period to Post Colonial by Anju Bali from Gyan Books.

Most of the North African and Gulf countries are facing major domestic challenges in the and 1st and 2 decades of the twenty first century. This century is considered as the post modern society, but these countries including Tunisia have been facing revolution. In this scenario the book deals with the foreign policy of Tunisia and it is very relevant. This book analyses the elements of both alteration and continuity in Tunisian foreign policy and policy making during the decades since independence.

Continuity has been evident in the generally pragmatic and non-ideological thrust of policy in the prioritizing of development and modernization friendly international relations, and in the primacy of the presidential figure in determining the specifies of policy. Change at the international level has coincided with efforts to resolve the domestic economic crisis of the form of Tunisian participation in the process of globalization.

In our Strategic Affairs section, Rs. 527, in hardback, 314 pages, ISBN : 9788121212342

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Aryan's Collection 2014

Cosmology and Cosmic Manifestations: Shaiva Thought and Art of Kashmir by Bansi Lal Malla from Aryan Books International.

Indian thought-currents are deeply rooted in the theory and concept of rtam as the framework in which the process of creation, sustenance and dissolution operates. It views man and nature in a holistic perspective. Space, time, primal elements are the essentials as are the primary faculties of sense perceptions. The scholars have been investigating many dimensions of these fundamental concepts. The author in the present book has entered into an intensive holistic dialogue between and amongst disciplines ranging from art history, archaeology, anthropology, sociology, philosophy to astro-physics and micro-biology. But, the main premise of the volume is based on the Shaiva thought and art  of  Kashmir.

Kashmir, with its hoary past and bewitching beauty, philosophical intellectualism, mystic spiritualism and artistic traditions is a paradise on earth. It has been crucible for refining human thought, be it the Vaishnava cult, Shakti cult, Shaivism, Buddhism or Sufism. Kashmir has recognized the existence of various paths to reach the  absolute  truth. The present volume gives a detailed account of the interconnectedness of nature, culture and cosmology; and cosmological interpretation of Kashmir Shaivism and its synthesis with the science. It also studies Kashmir Shaivism in its historical perspective, its metaphysics and iconography; and interrelatedness of the Shiva-Shakta cults. The primary sources of images and icons portraying Shaiva themes have been used.

The literary materials have been profusely utilised to reconstruct the history of the Shaiva religion with a view to reinterpret the iconography. The volume is a welcome addition to the rather sporadically treated subject with a considerable material for thought and comparison. With this work, not only the historians of art but anthropologists of religion and scientists of environment, space and cosmological studies would be in a position to follow the fascinating thought trails in Art and Nature.

In our History of Science section, Rs. 2400, in hardback, xxiv+142 pages, ISBN : 9788173055164

Ornamentation In Indian Architecture: Oriental Motifs and Designs by S.P. Verma from Aryan Books International.

For a building to become architecture, it must be thematically essentialized through a process of ornamentation. Oramentation is that component of the art product which is added, or worked into it, for purpose of embellishment. In general, however, “ornamentation” refers to motifs and themes used in art objects, buildings, or any surface without being essential to structure and serviceability.

In Architecture, it often occurs on entablatures, columns, and the tops of buildings and around entryways and windows. The present volume contains a selection of impressive ornamentation in Indian architecture.

In our Art and Architecture section, Rs. 2950, in hardback, xxiv+248 pages, ISBN : 9788173055188

Antiquarian Remains Of Jharkhand: Trade, Caravan Serais, Cultural Exchanges and Power Games by Bulu Imam from Aryan Books International.

Jharkhand is an east Indian state rich in natural, tribal, archaeological and cultural heritage. This work is a first attempt to cover the broad canvas of the region’s rich heritage. The book describes the findings of the author over the last three decades of its largely unknown Lower to Upper Paleolithic archaeological heritage, Mesolithic rock art and village mural painting tradition as a continuous cultural phenomenon. The volume documents in detail over five hundred archaeological sites, and presents them not only from archaeological but ethnographic, historical and cultural perspective.

The main focus of the book is on the Upper Damodar River Valley and Hazaribagh plateau, which is threatened by the unprecedented impacts of opencast coal mining and industrial development. The stark dichotomy between heritage and development is spread before us everywhere in the volume. The author’s researches on the prehistoric rock art of north Jharkhand in the context of an older Paleolithic tradition evidenced in the stone tool strata, as well as the continuity of the prehistoric art in the contemporary living tradition of village mural painting, has opened the way for a dialogue between the meanings of the lost visual tradition (Adi Drishya) and the living artistic traditions of the tribal communities which may explain them.

It is hoped that this comprehensive volume will go a long way in highlighting Jharkhand’s extraordinary rich ethnographic, archaeological, cultural, artistic and environmental heritage and the urgent need for its protection and preservation.

In our Archaeology section, Rs. 1950, in hardback, xvi+550 pages, ISBN : 9788173055294

Nation First: Essays in the Politics of Ancient Indian Studies by Dilip K. Chakrabarti from Aryan Books International.

The book explores various ground realities of the ancient historical and archaeological research in India through some essays and reviews. These realities turn out to be harsh and often demeaning to the nation, but the Indian archaeologists and ancient historians, if they want to serve the nation in any way, should be mindful of this harsh present and play their own parts in changing the situation.

These essays and reviews have been mostly published in various scattered places, and one hopes that their publication in a compact form will highlight the issues they have been concerned with.

In our Archaeology section, Rs. 695, in hardback, xviii+312 pages, ISBN : 9788173055263

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Death Wasn't Painful

Death Wasn't Painful: Stories of Indian Fighter Pilots from the 1971 War by Dhirendra S. Jafa from Sage India.

Death Wasn’t Painful is a true account of the experiences of a former Indian fighter pilot, who was taken prisoner during the 1971 Indo-Pak/Bangladesh Liberation War. While depicting the intrepid life of fighter pilots in active combat, the book also has an introspective side where it portrays the soldier’s reactions to the terrifying realities of war.

The experiences of prisoners of war are finely drawn, as we share the emotions of war—death, alienation, loneliness and grief. Through heart-warming anecdotes and conversational passages of interactions with Pakistani interrogators, attendants, jailors and civilians, the book juxtaposes the metaphor of physical battles in the sky with the conflict of minds between two nations.

In our History section, Rs. 445, in paperback, 268 pages, ISBN : 9788132117896

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Unreal Elections

Unreal Elections by C. S. Krishna And Karthik Laxman from Penguin Books India.

How would you like it if the political situations are linked to some movies, songs or artists? If you are a little overwhelmed with the monotony of serious political debates, panel discussions and the screaming and the shouting on national television, here is a book that would offer you a sweet escape. How would you like Narendra Modi’s favourite movie to be augured as The Lion King?

How Sonia restructures her cabinet time and again with Britney Spears’ songs inspiring her to do it? Why isn’t Arvind Kejriwal parting from his shawl even in the burning hot days of summer in Delhi? Is there anything at all that can get our P. M. Manmohan Singh annoyed or irritated or outraged? The book ponders upon these questions with a provocative, humourous perspective.

In our Politics section, Rs. 250, in paperback, 240 pages, ISBN : 9780143423119

Sunday, 21 September 2014

"Art, Architecture, Culture And History"

The Silk Road: Trade, Caravan Serais, Cultural Exchanges and Power Games by Mansura Haidar from Aryan Books International.

From antiquity to the present day, Central Asia has all along been an important region for India—politically, strategically, culturally and commercially. The region played an important role sometimes serving as a rendezvous or extension of India’s spiritual acquisitions, and sometimes playing as a buffer state or a ground for Great Game or Neo-Great Game affecting India’s political interests in a big way. The Silk Road not only developed and enhanced trade and commerce between the East and the West, but was also a significant factor in facilitating cultural and social interaction across continents.

Given the historic and cultural importance of this trans-continental route, the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA), along with the Eurasia Division, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India had organised an International Seminar on “Cities, Roads and Caravansarais— An Emblem of Relations through the Ages” which was held during 8-12 January 2008. This volume contains the proceedings of the seminar. ‘Looking back’ is an age-old maxim for ‘going ahead’—as it is the past which often sustains and inspires the future.

The cultural encounters at the Silk Road, imparting a continued impetus to the growth and development of ‘Dialogue between Civilizations’—ideally remain to be in the category of cross-fertilization and not negotiations. Whether by wars or through cultural linkages and brisk exchanges and interactions, India and its surrounding regions had richly contributed to the mosaic of regional and global cultures. It is here that the real significance of this research work lies.

In our Management Studies section, Rs. 2500, in hardback, xxvi+330 pages, ISBN : 9788173055287

Mausam: Maritime Cultural Landscapes Across the Indian Ocean by Himanshu Prabha Ray from Aryan Books International.

‘Mausam’ or Arabic ‘Mawsim’ refers to the season when ships could sail safely in the Indian Ocean and these seasonal monsoon winds underwrote both a shared culture in the past, as also the continued survival of maritime regions into the present. ‘Maritime cultural landscape’ was used by Olof Hasslof, the Swedish maritime ethnologist in the 1950s to indicate an understanding of the use of the sea by humans and included attendant coastal structures and cultural identifiers.

The papers in this book examine the development of coastal settlements and architectural remains from the third millennium bce Bronze Age to almost the present across a large part of the Indian Ocean extending from Arabia to Vietnam. A second objective of the book is to relate this understanding of the past with that of the present and to highlight the extent to which indicators of historical cultural networks provide building blocks for contemporary societies, as they work towards universal values and trans-border groupings—both of which underwrite UNESCO’s 1972 World Heritage Convention.

The Convention encourages the identification, protection and preservation of cultural and natural heritage around the world considered to be of outstanding value to humanity, thereby focussing on the universal, rather than the local or regional. The book will appeal to readers of maritime history, as well as those involved in heritage studies.

In our Art and Architecture section, Rs. 1495, in hardback, xiv+94 pages, ISBN : 9788173055249

The Dussehra of Kulu: History and Analysis of a Cultural Phenomenon by Karuna Goswamy from Aryan Books International.

In many ways, the Dussehra of Kulu has few parallels, not only as a religious ‘festival’ or a colourful annual ‘fair’, but also as a cultural phenomenon. For more than three hundred and fifty years, the festival, participated in by hundreds of thousands of visitors or ‘pilgrims’ from all over the hills, and outside, has gone on being held, year after year. The history of it alone is absorbing in the extreme; what is even more remarkable is the manner in which it has kept changing but without losing its core.

Year after year ‘deotas’ keep coming to Kulu, carried on their shoulders by devoted followers, walking scores of miles across hilly terrains; year after year Rama as ‘Raghunathji’ leaves his temple-home and camps in the chaugan of Kulu to receive their homage; year after year exchanges of the utmost courtesy keep taking place between gods and goddesses cast in different moulds, classical or folk.

All this while, everything is bathed in the colours of marigold, and music fills the air. The present volume, the first of its kind, explores this fascinating territory and invites the reader to take the same journey. There is not only history in these pages, but also understanding: a measure of delight and spiritual upliftment.

In our Culture section, Rs. 3600, in hardback, xviii+314 pages, ISBN : 9788173055232

Indian World Heritage Sites in Context by Himanshu Prabha Ray And Manoj Kumar from Aryan Books International.

This book on World Heritage sites in India has two objectives: one, to highlight the archaeological context and cultural landscapes relating to monuments inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage list; and second, to draw attention to urban pressures that impact the conservation and preservation of many of these sites and the need for comprehensive management strategies to ensure their continued survival. While six are natural properties, the Archaeological Survey of India has twenty of the twenty-four World Heritage cultural sites in India under its administrative control.

These may be categorized into: caves, churches and convents, forts, monastic complexes, mosques, palaces, rock-shelters, temples, and tombs. This list, by and large, focuses on either single monument or groups of monuments, bereft of cultural moorings. It is important that archaeological and historical inputs regarding the wider cultural milieu of World Heritage sites be introduced through site management plans, interpretation centres and heritage bye-laws to aid in holistic appreciation of the ‘monument’ or ‘group of monuments’.

Clearly, there is an urgent need for change in our understanding and appreciation of not only World Heritage sites, but also policies to ensure their preservation. It is this need for change that the papers by archaeologists, historians and heritage specialists in this edited book articulate and discuss.

In our Art and Architecture section, Rs. 1950, in hardback, xvi+136 pages, ISBN : 9788173055218

Friday, 19 September 2014

The Acrobatics of Change

The Acrobatics Of Change: Concepts, Techniques, Strategies And Execution by Moid Siddiqui And R. H. Khwaja from Sage India.

'Change or Perish' or 'Change and Perish'? ‘Change or perish!’ is an oft-repeated catchphrase. But many companies have changed and perished. Managing change is a delicate exercise that must be handled with utmost care, patience and expertise.

The Acrobatics of Change is a compelling treatise that shows that if change is managed without understanding the genetics of change and change dynamics, the chances are quite bright for, what is called, ‘changed and perished’.

In this revised second edition, all existing chapters have been updated thoroughly to include latest developments in the area. With the addition of two new chapters, this edition is sharper and more focused.

In our Management Studies section, Rs. 550, in paperback, 296 pages, ISBN : 9788132119708

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Coalition Government And Politics

Coalition Government And Politics: UPA-II To 2014 Lok Sabha Elections by C. P. Bhambhri from Shipra Publications.

The Manmohan Singh-led Coalition government at the Centre from 2009 to 2014 has been clinically analysed by focusing attention on its domestic and foreign policies. The yardstick of performance and non-performance of a Government-in-power has been applied here and such a stock taking is undertaken in this study.

The UPA-II can claim some achievements, however, generally its policies and programmes failed to carry conviction with the ruling classes and also the absolute majority of voters who censored it in the 16th Lok Sabha elections. The voters rejected the Congress because its government policies failed to come up to common man's expectations. The beneficiary of the failure of UPA-II has been the Modi-led BJP in 2014.

This book has devoted sufficient attention to the issues of corruption in public life, governance, coalition politics, and the 16th Lok Sabha elections which occupied the centre-stage of politics during this period. Scholars, researchers, students and readers having interest in Indian politics and governance may find the book useful.

In our Politics section, Rs. 995, in hardback, N.A pages, ISBN : 9788175417571

Monday, 15 September 2014

Dev Title

The Lallgarh Palace, (1/e): Home of The Maharajas of Bikaner by Princess Rajyashree Kumari of Bikaner from Dev Books.

This book evokes the romance of the rugged desert kingdom of Bikaner and its royal family. In the midst of the large and mysterious sands of the Thar Desert rises the imposing beauty of the Lallgarh Palace, Bikaner. Stories whispered by the wind as it frolicked and raged over the long caravans that crawled across this mighty desert, have been caught and penned by Princess Rajyashree Kumari. Built in 1902 by architect Sir Swinton Jacob as residence for Maharaja Ganga Singh, Lallgarh Palace is one of the best examples of Indo-Saracenic architecture amalgamating the best of Rajput, Muslim and European styles.

Built by local craftsmen in Dulmera red sandstone, its carved arches display the mystery of the local artisans. This book is enchanting tale by princess of her royal family as they lived and played over five generations in the backdrop of the imposing beauty of Lallgarh Palace. In this intriguing story of a princess, Rajyashree recounts her life growing up in the Palace and unfolds episodes from the lives of the great Maharajas in her family.

Now converted into a luxury Heritage Hotel, her story holds you spellbound as you relive the days when the grand courtyards and imposing lawns rang with the pomp and pageantry of royal durbars. The magnificence of the gilded age of the Maharajas, the sheer luxury and laughter of its resplendent visitors, men from the pages of history, Lord Curzon, its first visitor, King George V, Lord Mountbatten all come alive as she accounts their visit bringing it to present-day visitor. The secrets and mysteries of the house of Bikaner long since buried in the shifting sand dunes are brought to life by Princess Rajyashree Kumari, who has actually lived them.

In our Art and Architecture section, Rs. 1950, in hardback, 184 pages, ISBN : 9788190618670

Archeology of Early Buddhism by Lars Fogelin from Dev Books.

Lars Fogelin draws on historical accounts, religious documents, inscriptions, and the results of his systematic archaeological survey of Thotlakonda Monastery in southern India to examine Early Buddhist monastic life. He discovers a tension between the desired isolation of the monastery and the mutual engagement with neighbors in the Early Historic Period.

He also sketches how religious architecture and the use of landscape helped to structure these relationships. Fogelin’s work sheds new light on the ritual and material workings of Early in this region and shows how archaeology can contribute to our understanding of religious practice.

In our Archaeology section, Rs. 895, in hardback, 242 pages, ISBN : 9788192075280, Sales Restriction: Sale In SAARC Countries Only

Natyasastra And The Indian Dramatic Tradition (Samiksika Series-3), (1/e) by Radhavallabh Tripathi from Dev Books.

The National Mission for Manuscripts was established in February 2003 by the Ministry of Culture. Its purpose is to locate, document, preserve and disseminate the knowledge content of Indian manuscripts. While looking ahead to reconnect with the knowledge of the past, the Mission is in the process of trying to re-contextualize the knowledge contained in manuscripts for the present and the future generations. The Mission organizes seminars on various subjects related to Indian Knowledge in different locations of India.

The papers presented in the seminar are collected and brought out under the Samiksika series. In 2007, the Mission organized a seminar on “Natyasastra and the Indian Dramatic Tradition” in Sagar, Madhya Pradesh. The seminar dealt with various aspects as well as related topics of India’s dramatic tradition starting from Bharata’s Natyasastra. The Seminar gave ample opportunity to the experts in the field on dramaturgy to put forth the outcome of their research on manuscripts of Indian drama and allied subject matter.

In our History section, Rs. 450, in hardback, 340 pages, ISBN : 9789380829111

Narrative Art In The Mahabharata, (1/e): The Adi Parva by Pradip Bhattacharyafrom Dev Books.

The study analyses the baffling nebulous mass of material with which the epic begins, bringing out the central theme of each of the sub-parvas to provide insights into the Vyasan Vision and the Master’s mastery of his epic art. 

It helps the reader to understand the intricate web of inter-connections of events and characters so that a clear, logical and intelligible picture emerges of the very involved and confused panorama of the Mahabharata. 

Parallels from comparative mythology and literature enrich the study and there is a continuous concern to highlight the agency of women throughout the epic.

In our Religion section, Rs. 1195, in hardback, 404 pages, ISBN : 9789381406014

Hindu Tradition of Pilgrimage, (1/e): Sacred Space & System by Rana P. B. Singh And foreword by Robert H. Stoddard from Dev Books.

This book, consisting of ten essays, and annotated list of important 108 pilgrimage places, deals with deeper awareness and understanding of the complexities and subtleties of pilgrimage in the contexts of the mythology, history, system, structure and functioning of Hindu pilgrimages and Sacred Space in India, and illustrated with case studies of Shaktipithas, Chitrakut, Varanasi, Gaya, Vindhyachal, Mathura, Kumbha Mela, while emphasising the textual traditions, historical outline, contemporary pilgrimage tourism, issues of contestations and seduction of history, sacred geometry and cosmic order, and use of SOC theory. This is the first full book of its kind and to be used as the major reference and text; and will open new directions of understanding in pilgrimage studies.

In our Culture section, Rs. 1275, in hardback, xiv+400 pages, ISBN : 9789381406250

Mewat, (1/e): Folklore, Memory, History by G. D. Gulati from Dev Books.

Geographical and culturally diverse country like India, regional studies have yet not got the attention

they deserve. Mewat: Folklore Memory History is an attempt to study the hitherto understudied research. Being near to the two capitals Delhi and Agra, the region comprises parts of Haryana, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. The people are known as ‘Mewatis’ who are scattered allover the country. Many of them are also settled outside India, in Pakistan particular.

The present work is a collection of different research articles mostly published in the journals of International recognition and attempt to illuminate some aspects of the life and conditions of the people of Mewat. The region though has played a signficant role in Indian History since the time of Mahabharta, the people have continued to suffer in the hands of the Hindu as well as Muslim rulers. They struggled for their survival throughout the centuries till the Khanzadas took over the reins of Mewat.

The Khanzadas played a very important role in the then politics of Delhi court during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries and had become the king-makers at Delhi. They also fought against Babur, sided with Rana Sanga in the battle of Khanua under the leadership of Hasan Khan Mewati. Numerous buildings in the region stand mute witness to their cultural heritage. The Mewati played a significant role in the revolt of 1857 and were punished severely by the British. The author has provided a very well written survey of the region and raised certain questions to be re-considered in the context of contemporary debates.

In our Culture section, Rs. 750, in hardback, 256 pages, ISBN : 9789381406267

Friday, 12 September 2014


Poor Students: Market-Oriented Education Reforms by K. Ravi Kumar from Gyan Books.

Inequality in India\'s educational attainment is increasing at a faster rate since independence. Poor household, weaker sections, tribal societies and backward regions are left-out in this educational development. However, rich and elite students are getting high quality education in private sectors educational institutions or in foreign universities abroad. Quality and cost of education services are influenced by many factors which are beyond the boundaries of educational institutions.

India\'s in equality i n educational development has been fueled by colonial administrative error and this led to education market failures, especially in educationally deprived regions. Erstwhile Zamindari areas and scheduled districts are still educationally deprived. Socialist model of economic development ruined the economy, since 1991, India\'s economy adopted market driven economy but marketisation has not happened in education sector.

RTE 2009, well intended legislation, is spoiling India\'s school education system, especially public education service due to faulty design and lack of marketisation of education sector in the today\'s market driven economy. This inte-disciplinay book analyses the reasons for this inequality in equity, quantity and quality of education on the basis of grssroot level experience and field survey. This book introduces the con cept of marketisation of education service to reform India\'s education system.

In our Education section, Rs. 975, in hardback, 327 pages, ISBN : 9789351280583

Ethnicity In North East India by Sarthank Sengupta from Gyan Books.

In the present-day world, the study of ethnicity has been a major concern of anthropology, and other branches of social sciences. Ethnicity is not a simple and isolable social observable fact, rather interconnected to many other multifaceted societal issues. Probing and understanding ethnicity requires numerous dimensions as it operates and channelise through various ways and means.

Ethnicity in North East India is a collection of eleven original essays offered by renowned teachers and experienced researchers to acquaint wide readers about the dynamic nature of ethnicity in North East India to understand the mechanism according to which the character of its momentary commonality becomes clearly visible. The book will be interest to scholars, policy makers and policy analysts, and students of social sciences particularly those concerned with North East India.

In our Northeast Studies section, Rs. 550, in hardback, 183 pages, ISBN : 9788121212168

Knowledge Management And Information Technology by C.S.R. Prabhu from Gyan Books.

This books deals with Knowledge Management, (KM) techniques and methodologies in an, organisation. Chapter1 covers the different, approaches to KM. Chapter 2, 3 ,4 cover the three, phrases of KM : MD, Build, Operate. Chapter 5, deals with Critical Success Factors in KM, implementation. Chapter 6 deals with Enablers for, KM.

Chapter 7 talks about IT components for, KM. Chapter 8 deals with Knowledge Transfer., Chapter 9 deals with advanced KM as Distributed, KM or DKMS. Chapter 10 deals with KM with a, new model: Object Knowledege Model (OKM)., This book presents a new approach to Knowledge, Management (KM) from the perspective of, Information Technology.

In our Management Studies section, Rs. 570, in hardback, 191 pages, ISBN :9788121212199

Relevance of Swami Vivekananda In 21st Century by Sunita from Gyan Books.

Today when we have finished the first decade of 21st century and it has been claimed by number of reliable national and international agencies that India is growing and making a respectable place into the international system; But in reality we are also struggling with many burning issues which are basic in nature.Today when we are celebrating 150th birth anniversary this book will be highly useful to adopt and implement his thoughts to resolve the problems.

Inspite of her innumerable linguistic, ethnic, historical, regional and religious diversities, India has had from time immemorial a strong sense of culture unity. It was however, Swami Vivekanand who revealed the true foundation of this culture and thus clearly defined and strengthened the sense of unity as a Nation. He is considered as a key figure in the introduction of Hindu Philosophy of Vedanta and Yoga to the western world and is also credited for bringing Hinduism to the status of a major world religion during the end of the 19th century. Swamiji gave a proper spiritual heritage and thus gave them pride in the past.

This book is the tribute to the great Indian icon and social reformer Swami Vivekananda whose life itself is the message for the whole humanity. This book would be highly useful for students, researchers, academicians and the common readers who have interest in the life and teachings of Vivekananda.

In our Philosophy section, Rs. 630, in hardback, 173 pages, ISBN : 9789351280187

Towards A Buddhist Social Philosophy by Amal Kumal Harh from Gyan Books.

Towards a Buddhist Social Philosophy,is a welcome addition to the growing literature of engaged Buddhism. The author has gone to the sources in the Pali Canon, and gleaned traces of sources of social concern in the earliest teachings of the Buddha. His ministry spanned the ancient Indian kingdoms like Kashi, Koshal and Magadh, and he was aware of the problems of life in society. How to live with others? Buddhist moral thought flowers in a non-solipsistic universal where there are others, and we are afflicted with existential traits such as attachment, hatred and delusion.

All disharmonies arise from these three so-called non-virtuous propensities, and by adopting a therapeutic method the Buddha sought to settle the issues of disunity, disharmony and discrimination. Through the ten chapters, the author has raised issues pertaining to contemporary concern, social and political, Marxism in Buddhist societies in Asia, neo-Buddhism of Ambedkar, etc. There is much that is novel and daring in the analysis of issues, and deserves to be perused by all serious readers, students and reasearchers interested in the role of the Buddhist world-view in modern India.

In our Philosophy section, Rs. 485, in hardback, 160 pages, ISBN : 9789351280798

Nano Mushroom Identifier by Rouf Hamza Boda from Gyan Books.

Nano Mushroom Identifier \'Nano Mushroom Identifier\' is a beginner\'s guide for mushroom identification. It gives nut shell information to those who are interested in mushroom collection. Mushroom hunting is actually an outdoor activity, and this book clears the basic concepts of mushroom collection, preservation, photography and identification. It provides a basic list of equipments which are needed for mushroom collection.

Different characters used in mushroom identification have been given in a systematic order. Morphological and reproductive characters, used in mushroom identification have been explained logically. Mushroom microscopy has also been given in detail. Use of senses in mushroom identification has been stressed for some particular mushrooms.

A brief introduction about the mushroom world has also been discussed in the beginning of the book. This book has been written in simple language so that even a layman can understand it. Basic diagrams have been added which clear the various concepts about the mushrooms. Book is immensely beneficial for scholars, researchers, farmers and students.

In our Agricultural Sciences section, Rs. 360, in hardback, 58 pages, ISBN : 9789380222585

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Selected Speeches of Maharaja Ganga Singhji

Selected Speeches of Maharaja Ganga Singhji of Bikaner, (1/e): (1880-1943 AD) by Tej K. Mathur from Dev Books.

The present book is a fine collection of the selected speeches delivered by Maharaja Ganga Singh of Bikaner. Maharaja Ganga Singh succeeded to the gaddi of his ancestors as the 21st Maharaja of Bikaner on 31st August 1887 when he was only seven years old.

The Maharaja assumed full powers of government on 16th December 1898. He ruled the state for a period of five decades – from 1887 to his demise in 1943. Under his rule the city of Bikaner had advanced beyond comprehension – from a small desert town into a thriving, modern, well-laid-out city.

Maharaja Ganga Singh was an intrepid and colourful personality, and had earned a high place in the gallery of great Indian rulers of the era. Apart from being a visionary administrator, he was also an eminent statesman and an eloquent orator who was held in the highest esteem all over the world.

In our Culture And History section, Rs. 1495, in hardback, xxiii+626 pages, ISBN : 9789381406281

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Bangladesh Migrants- Divided Spaces

Bangladesh Migrants: A Threat to India by P. K. Mishra from Gyan Books.

Bangladesh Migrants: A Threat to India is an effortmade by depicting real problems faced in IndoBangladesh Border. The biggest problem India isfacing is on the country\'s economy and securitydue to continuous migration from Bangladeshfrom British period till today for various factors. The rising population, non-availability of land,unemployment including weak currency, floodsand cyclones, push Bangladeshis to India for abetter economic opportunity, good education andvarious Islamic interests. The large presence ofabout six crores of illegal Bangladeshi migrantshave posed maximum threat to India\'s security. India has failed to deal with the problem ofmigration which had involved political interests.

The author, in his book has suggested variousmeasures with a wealth of information which willopen the eyes of political leaders to understandthe gravity of demographic changes noticed inIndian Border States. The author was one of the first from the BSF tohave served as Addl.  Director General in aparamilitary force. He remained deployed withthe troops in the extreme border of Indo-Bangladesh from 1971 till 1990.As DIG BSF Nagaland and Manipur and then asIG Border Security Force Shillong, he wasresponsible for the security of Indo-Bangladeshborder in Assam, Mizoram, Meghalaya andcounter-insurgency operations in Nagaland andManipur. He supervised the border fencing andfloodlighting in the borders of Assam, Mizoram,Meghalaya and some Char islands in riverBrahmaputra and 185 kms. of Jammu sector ofIndia- Pakistan border.

He was decorated with thePolice Medal for meritorious service, thePresidents Police Medal for Distinguished Serviceand the Injury Medal. He led a commando group which killed thechief of Harkat-ul-Ansar named Abu Gazi (alias PirBawa) and chief of Al Faran, Matteen, operating inAnantnag was apprehended. Mateen was themastermind in abducting 13 foreign nationals inKashmir and killing them, the kingpin in the blastin Jammu parade ground and Jaipur Bus stand.He supervised deployment of BSF during theBodo and Bangladesh Muslim migrant\'s conflict inKokrajhar, Udalguri and Baksa in 2010. He was oneof the first batch of Special Protection GroupOfficers and had the distinction of supervising thesecurity of the Parliament of India as Director(Security) from 1991-1995, was instrumental insurrender and apprehension of few north eastKLNLF, UNLF, PLA and NSCNIM militants with theirarms.

In our Politics section, Rs. 910, in hardback, 304 pages, ISBN : 9788121212182

Divided Spaces: Discourse on Social Exclusion And Women In India by Durga P. Chhetri from Gyan Books.

Social exclusion has become one of the important themes in contemporary social policy debates in both the developed and developing countries. It has become central to policy and academic discourse in Western Europe, and increasingly in other parts of the globe. In India, the exclusion discourse is closely linked with a wide range of socio-economic inequality. The most rigorous form of exclusion is practiced by the institution of caste, followed by religion, ethnicity and gender. The contours of the exclusion perpetuated by these variables constantly change with the context, time and space. Many social groups in India have been experiencing some form of inequality or social exclusion. Across social groups, women face exclusion and discrimination in many areas of life, though their status varies significantly according to their social and ethnic backgrounds.

The history of civilisation shows that women were excluded from the public sphere. There are separate spaces for women and men. By tradition also, the public sphere is male domain and women have been confined to their homes (private sphere) and relegated to the background. Divided Spaces: Discourse on Social Exclusion and Women in India make a unique contribution to the literature on social exclusion and inclusion. This book explores several forms of social exclusion in the context of India and brings together leading scholars from several of the disciplines that have developed concepts of exclusion and various dimensions of exclusion/inclusion. It is hoped that this volume contributes to our understanding of the complexities of social exclusion and provide policymakers with guidance for corrective policies and social inclusion to combat the different forms of social exclusion.

This book is useful and essential reading for students and scholars of political science, sociology, anthropology, history and cultural studies. It will also strike sparks with those with a professional research interest in social exclusion/inclusion. About the Author Durga P Chhetri is Assistant Professor in Political Science at Southfield College, Darjeeling, West Bengal. He received M.A., M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of North Bengal. He has research interests in decentralisation, governance, rural development, gender studies, and social exclusion/inclusion. His publications include Decentralised Governance and Development in India (2012); Politics, Society and Development: Insights from Sikkim (co-edited with M. Yasin 2012); and Sikkim Chronicle (2010). He has also published several articles on the subject of social protection/security, gender equality, rural development, decentralisation, rural/urban and e-governance, capacity building and politics of inclusion in national and international journals.

In our Sociology section, Rs. 750, in hardback, 272 pages, ISBN : 9788121212250

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Indian Air Force in India's National Defence 2032

Indian Air Force in India's National Defence 2032 by Nishant Gupta from Knowledge World Publishers.

The Indian Air Force, from a humble beginning in 1932 with 4 Wapiti aircraft, six Indian officers and 22 hawai sepoys, have traversed a long journey of eighty one years and crossed noteworthy milestones to become the fourth largest air force in the world. While facing several limitations/challenges, IAF have met all the national defence requirements, and made several strategic contributions. With growing economic interests and national aspirations, expanding interests well beyond our territorial boundaries and prevailing internal security challenges, India’s national defence requirements are also increasing.

The first Gulf War was a monumental turning point in the war-time employment of aerospace power. Ever since significance of aerospace power in war, crisis and peace time has been gaining ascendency. Kosovo and Libya are the two pertinent examples of the allies virtually relying on aerospace power, without committing any soldiers on the ground. Scrutiny of the emerging global and national trends suggests that employment of the aerospace assets, as well as nation’s expectation from the IAF, will continue to rise. Alongside, there is an unplanned fall in flying platforms, weapon systems and pilot strength of the IAF.

This study is an attempt to analyse the history of the IAF in war as well as ‘other than war operations’; to appreciate the emerging trends in geopolitics, aerospace technology and doctrine; and to identify the likely challenges IAF would be facing in the next two decades and beyond. Road map for transformation of the national security framework, indigenous aerospace industry and the IAF has also been suggested.

In our Strategic Affairs section, Rs. 920, in hardback, xxvi+240 pages, ISBN : 9789383649150

Monday, 1 September 2014

The Emperor Far Away And Brand Vinci

The Emperor Far Away: Travels at the Edge of China by David Eimer from Bloomsbury India.

In 1949, Mao Zedong announced the birth of the People’s Republic of China, a proclamation to the world that, after centuries of war and social conflict, China had emerged as one nation. Since then, this idea has been propagated by broadcasts of marches and mass demonstrations of unity, designed for the benefit of the international community. For many living in the vast country, however, the old Chinese adage holds true: “the mountains are high and the emperor is far away.”

Bordered by fourteen countries, China could be thought of as more a continent than a country, and yet it is ruled as one and treated so by political and financial commentators, who refer to a traditionally “Chinese” way of life. Few Westerners make it far beyond the major cities, and the Chinese government has made it difficult to do so. David Eimer undertook a dangerous journey to China’s unexplored frontiers, to the outer reaches where Beijing's power has little influence. His chronicle shines new light on the world’s most populous country, showing clearly that China remains in many ways a divided state.

Traveling through the Islamic areas of Xinjiang province, into the forbidden zone of Tibet and across Route 219, which runs the rough boundary shared with India, the only disputed frontier in China, Eimer exposes the country’s inner conflict. All the tensions in China today—from its war against drugs and terrorism and the unstable relationships it maintains with Russia and Korea to its internal social issues—take on new meaning when seen from China’s most remote corners. The Emperor Far Away is a brilliant melding of journalism and history and essential reading for anyone interested in contemporary China.

In our History section, Rs. 699, in paperback, 336 pages, ISBN : 9781408850978

Brand Vinci: Decoding Facets of Branding by Pavan Padaki from Bloomsbury India.

Brand Vinci decodes the concept of branding here and now, with a fresh and unique perspective. The decoded facets are practical and useful not only to marketing professionals but also to entrepreneurs, B-school students and could also be highly applicable to one's own personal life.

Written by a brand practitioner and corporate trainer and based on interactions with marketing professionals during workshop and client engagements, this book demystifies branding concepts for brand owners, managers and students.

In our Management Studies section, Rs. 299, in hardback, 118 pages, ISBN : 9789384052683